Fort Worth ISD Libraries Exposing 86,000 Kids As Young As Kindergarten To Transgender Sex Ed Content Without Parental Notice or Consent

A quick search of the Fort Worth ISD library catalog for the keyword “transgender” reveals 98 different records totaling almost 275 copies of books! Nearly half of the copies have been acquired by Fort Worth ISD since the beginning of 2016 – three months after Superintendent Kent Scribner’s arrival.

The titles range from Rethinking Normal: A Memoir In Transition, Coming Out As Transgender and Transphobia: Deal With It And Be A Gender Transcender to Transgender Role Models And Pioneers, Transgender Rights And Protections, and Identifying As Transgender.  These books don’t include many others found by searching the terms “gender identity” and “LGBT.”

Unfortunately, John T. White Elementary School is one of the worst performing schools in the District, but they have a book for elementary kids called Beautiful Music for Ugly Children described as:

“Gabe has always identified as a boy, but he was born with a girl’s body. With his new public access radio show gaining in popularity, Gabe struggles with romance, friendships, and parents–all while trying to come out as transgendered.”

John T. White students may not leave school being able to perform basic math, but they will know more about taking hormones and having sex reassignment surgery than most adults.

Thirteen campuses have copies of the fourth-grade level Lily and Dunkin including Sellars Elementary, Westcreek Elementary, Rosemont Middle, and McLean Middle.  This innocuous sounding title talks about hormone blockers, sex change surgery, and taking estrogen and is described by the publisher as:

“Lily Jo McGrother, born Timothy McGrother, is a girl. But being a girl is not so easy when you look like a boy. Especially when you’re in the eighth-grade. Norbert Dorfman, nicknamed Dunkin Dorfman, is bipolar and has just moved from the New Jersey town he’s called home for the past thirteen years. One summer morning, Lily Jo McGrother meets Dunkin Dorfman, and their lives forever change.”

Lily B. Clayton parents may be surprised to see their third-grader reading Gracefully Grayson in which “Grayson, a transgender twelve-year-old, learns to accept her true identity and share it with the world.”

Other keywords were searched to know how transgender content compares in number to other topics.

The keyword “quantum physics” yields 44 records and “3-d printing” yields 35 records.  The keyword “petroleum engineering” yields 8 records and “aviation engineering” yields 8 records.  The keyword “calculus” yields 55 records while the keyword “trigonometry” results in 20 records.

It’s easier for Fort Worth ISD students to find books about transgender sex education than science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) topics.

Sex education content regarding transgenderism and gender identity is educationally unsuitable for school-aged children and most certainly should not be provided to students without parental notice and consent.  And the fact that Fort Worth ISD taxpayers have funded more books about transgenderism than basic STEM topics is an embarrassment to our city.  Fort Worth ISD needs to be focused on preparing students for the workforce – not a sex change.

Tell Texas Lawmakers To Remove Transgender Sex Ed Content From Public School Libraries

Tell Texas Lawmakers To Remove Transgender Sex Ed Content From Public School Libraries

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930 signatures = 93% of goal

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34 thoughts on “Fort Worth ISD Libraries Exposing 86,000 Kids As Young As Kindergarten To Transgender Sex Ed Content Without Parental Notice or Consent”

  1. We took the truth of the Bible (God) out of the school and replaced it with secularism (the lies of the devil).

  2. I am so thankful I don’t have any kids in FWISD! This type of edu…..teach….forced info should be outlawed!!! I used to be proud to say I am from Fort Worth, but not anymore. I can’t wait to retire and get out of this once great city and state.

    1. Please stay and fight! This kind of thing is happening throughout the south because LGBTQ is pushing against our southern conservative moral values by indoctrinating the next generation. You’re a taxpayer in Ft. Worth so take your outrage and fight! Thanks!

    2. I don’t live in Fort Worth but I would say please stand up and keep fighting if we don’t then our children are lost to the world. These teachers and school districts need to be held accountable for the stuff that they are teaching our children today it makes me fight even harder being that I’m 52 to stick around so that I can homeschool my grandchildren if this is a type of things I will be reading in school and learning

  3. This indoctrination must stop. Please! It goes against many parents moral values and is not appropriate for our children. Many children don’t even know about these issues and they are introduced to them through these books. It’s NOT okay and these books need to be removed.

  4. This is not right and parents should have the right to make decisions on these kinds of things and be given a written consent if they wish or not to do so this is taking advantage of the children and that’s not right at all …

  5. So sad that our kids are being “neutralized” by today’s education officials. And to do it in a secret fashion is beyond acceptable. Parents need to step up and stop this critical abuse of the minds of our kids. This unacceptable program must be removed from the school. The person who is responsible for injecting this horrific material into our system must be fired immediately. What is this person trying to do to our little children.

  6. A special Lake of Fire has been provided for those who choose to pervert the minds of our children, and decide not to repent of this evil.

  7. Please law officials and teachers and administrators- this should not be! Parents need to know what their children are being taught: reading and writing and arithmetic, and not indoctrinated with an secretive agenda. What have we come to?

  8. The students need to be prepared for a future profession or jobs by receiving a great education. The FWISD has no business teaching transgenderism at all & especially without informing the parents & only with parental consent. These books & classes need to be removed from our public school system— paid for by tax dollars without taxpayer knowledge.
    Scribner needs to be accountable & removed from his position.

  9. This is a behavior issue that should not ever be in the school system our children have enough pressure on their mind in the African American community. we should look at the past of this Behavior has done to a people with the sex forms doing slavery times . the rape of our women and children ,with our men and women being incarcerated and rape, pedophiles in the community who had nowhere else to go but back into the same community this would bring forth that it’s all right for this type of behavior and I am totally against it Fort Worth ISD should be ashamed of themselves for allowing something like this to go on.

  10. FWISD has to stop the indoctrination of our children with their secular agendas. This is outrageous. I did not sign my child up for their social experiments. Time and again, this administration has snuck behind the backs of parents to insert their inappropriate materials in front of the eyes of our children. When the individuals to which we’ve entrusted the education of our children display this kind of unacceptable political and ideological tactics, not to mention a disregard for age appropriateness, it is time for them to go. I’m casting my vote against the present administration.

    1. Superintendent Kent Scribner Must be fired. His agenda is not appropriate for our children. Why is he still in office today?

  11. It seems like since Scribner came to Fort Worth, we’ve had too many controversial things like this happening. Is it a coincidence? It seems like something of this controversial nature should be openly announced so that parents can have a voice to try to stop it! The lack of transparency in this administration must end. I appreciate SFFW for shedding light so that us parents can communicate with our direct campus on these sensitive matters.

  12. Unacceptable in any school! If I knew this was in my kids school,you can bet there would be a fight, a riot, a march, and a book burning!!

  13. PARENTS it is time for you to exert your RIGHTS and the RIGHTS of YOUR children…

    and a letter to the schools:

    I personally testified before the Missouri Senate and House to get this also in state law…
    Always ask your children what they did or learned in school every day…and do not accept ‘nothing’ as an answer…

  14. Satan is attacking children, he’s running rampant, I believe we’re living in a 21st Century Sodom & Gomorrah…GOD will NOT ALLOW this much longer.

  15. These books are presenting a bogus political theory as though it were medical fact, and grooming children for sterilizing medical interventions based on bigoted notions of what it means to be male or female. All so that the pharmaceutical and medical industries can make up for lost profits by preying on kids.

    1. I completely agree, Katherin. It is not only for religious reasons that parents must be against teaching kids that they can choose their sex — any and all parents must be against teaching transgenderism to children because it has no basis in science. There is no such thing as a male or a female brain, there is no such thing as being born in the wrong body, or having a boy’s brain in a girl’s body or vice-versa. This is pseudoscience that has no place in any school. We might as well be teaching our kids that the earth is flat.

      Not only are these “facts” untrue, they are also dangerous. Kids believe what they learn in school. Transgender ideology teaches kids that they must conform to outdated stereotypes, that stereotypes = biology. Girls who don’t like pink or dolls, and boys who don’t like sports and rough play, are told by transgender literature that the reason for this is that they were born in the wrong bodies, that they are “really” the opposite sex, and that doctors can fix them to become the opposite sex, all of which is completely untrue and utterly ridiculous, yet presented to children and teachers as scientific fact. Read the picture book “I Am Jazz,” which is aimed at very young children and often read to kids in school, and you can easily spot the fallacies and pseudoscience. This book sets up very young children to think they need medical intervention because their personalities don’t fit old-fashioned stereotypes. “Transgender medicine” sterilizes children permanently and leaves them dependent upon hormone injections, surgeries and other ongoing serious medical interventions for the rest of their lives — all because a girl doesn’t like tea parties or a boy doesn’t like wrestling.

      Read any story about a “transgender child” and you will see that the decision to label the child as transgender, every single time, boils down to stereotypes such as toy preference, hair length, favorite colors, clothing choices and friend choices. Schools must stick to teaching our kids actual, proven science and stop filling children’s minds with dangerous, regressive nonsense. We must learn to accept gentle boys who like dolls and dress-up, and rough-and-tumble girls who hate dresses but love football. Children should never, ever be told they were born wrong and need medical and surgical procedures because of their personalities, likes and dislikes.

  16. When I had to go to the school to opt out my kids from sex ed, the paperwork from the district office on the principal’s desk read, “do not give the parent the entire curriculum” which lets me know I made the right decision, and that was 25 years ago. If you break down a child’s natural inhibitions they become more curious and more likely to engage in a behavior. Why are we allow in the sexualization of our children?

  17. They should be prosecuted immediately, why do American have double standards, you prosecute a parent, care giver or teacher for Child Abuse, why are these animals treated with kids glove? They are committing worse crime.

  18. If u have kids in this school or any school who is pushing this into the minds of our babies/Children then you should be front and center marching and protesting against this until it is removed. Posting about it here is not going to change a darn thing
    This is a blatant reach to still your childs soul. Are u going to let the Devil and his demons win or are you going to fight for your children. Go to the very site of your board of Education Center and start there. Come in numbers and scream and yell until they listen and remove this trash from your childrens minds and hands. These are your children not theirs.

  19. Sadly the people that run the country are pédofiles who don’t care about education. Pizza gate is real.. wake up People and protect your innocent children. The american dream for one must be asleep to beLIEve it. Find god, he made us perfect.

  20. My husband & I just moved to Fort Worth for his job. We have been homeschooling for going on 4 years now, we will continue to do so for this very reason. Praying for the children who have no choice in the matter.

  21. This is abuse of innocent children. Filling their minds with lies to force a political agenda upon the kids and take away parental rights.

  22. We need to have a plan to correct this unthinkable child abuse scheme! Let’s meet on the face book and immediately plan for an action plan. Our children cannot afford to wait! And if we just express our indignation without any action, they will day after day transform our children, grand children into demons one at a time.

  23. Having come out of being homosexual and transgender, I know that this is a lie from the pits of hell. There is an agenda folks. The agenda is your children and grandchildren!

    This movement is in ALL schools, and pressing into the Christian schools and Bible colleges. The focus is your children and grandchildren.

    Will you keep handing them over to predators or will you stand up and push back!?!?!?!?!

    Wake Up Sheeple!

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